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Your VR Tours is now free. To disrupt the market we have decided to make Your VR Tours free. We are the only platform that enables you to make 360 tours on Android and iOS using just your phone. And if your have a 360 (or use our integrated) camera that’s supported too.
Make property viewing a breeze
- The fastest VR tour creation solution, you can create a complete VR tour for a typical property in 20mins. Time taken to take all property photo’s, camera takes 1 second to take a 360 photo, and includes publishing. This is the complete production timeline.
- With Your VR Tours you publish tours directly from your mobile. You don’t need any computer skills or a computer. In fact you don’t even need a 360 camera, as the software will allow you to use your mobile to create 360 photos.
- This is the only tour solution that offers a play button. This avoids “navigation fatigue”, which is where users disengage because they find it’s too much hassle to navigate a property. Our play button avoids this and makes property viewing a breeze.
- When undertaking a physical viewing you would provide a guided tour. Your VR Tours is the only solution that provides a guided, whilst still giving the user complete navigation freedom.
- Natural rotation moves users around a property providing a natural flow. This avoids “white wall syndrome” because we won’t leave a user facing a blank wall. Our naturation roation will navigate them to something interesting, other platforms just leave the user facing blank walls.
- The only Mobile (and tablet) app that creates the full 360 VR tour in app. Create and view your tours on site before you leave the property (no mobile signal, internet or wifi required). This makes it possible to retake any photos whilst still on site (if needed). The free to download app is available on Andriod and iOS/iPhone/iPad.
- Instant publish, means tours typically publishes in under 1 minute. No more waiting for days, your client can approve the tour before you leave.
- Lowest band width tours mean viewing tours on a low speed connection are fast (especailly if optimised – capability included at no additional cost). All tours are stored in your local town using a CDN (Content Distributed Network) to maximise performance.
- Support for plan display and navigation.
- Outside photos supported.
- Create as many floors, photos as you want.
- No Processing or modification fees.
- LOWEST COST 360 tour platform on the PLANET: As little as free for tours.
- We promise that there is no additional fees. Your own the tours, your can self host if you want (storing tours in an intranet for security maybe?), but since we don’t charge extra for hosting you don’t need to self host.